Grand Rapids:

3 Ways to Care for Your Mental Health Through Grief

mental health

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, here at Gerst, we want to equip you with encouragement and ways to take extra care of your mental health through periods of grief.  Movement  During the grieving process, you might be feeling a lot of emotions build up; stimulating your body can help you get your mind […]

The Power of Storytelling During Times Of Grief


We understand that the journey of grief takes a village. At Gerst, we want to meet you wherever you are and provide you with resources and support. We have found storytelling to be a great way to take strives toward your personal healing. Here are a few ways sharing your story can benefit you.   Creates […]

The Four Best Books On Loss and Grief


At Gerst, we are committed to providing families with resources that they might need to both plan a funeral and also cope with their grief. Our Recommended Reading List focuses on assisting our community through all types of grief and helps each individual better understand loss and who they are as they grow alongside grief. […]

Three Reasons Why Having The “Lifetime” Talk Is Important

lifetime talk

Have you ever heard or witnessed a family member arguing about their loved one’s final wishes? Or perhaps they wished they had clarification on the best way to create a memorial their family member would have wanted? This situation is common and preventable! Preplanning services and resources exist to help families openly discuss each other’s […]

Meditation and Mindfulness are Helpful Tools For Managing Grief

Image of a woman meditating outside

Meditation can be a great tool to work through and alleviate feelings of grief. As a practice rooted in intentionality and mind-body connection, meditation helps individuals break thought spirals, calm anxiety, and better process emotions. In this blog, we will cover how mindfulness and meditation are connected, the benefits of meditation during grief, and the […]

Five TED Talk Playlists to Help You Move Forward in Your Grief Journey

Ted Talks on Grief

In January, we published an article showcasing podcasts that help listeners process different types of grief experiences and affirm their own grief journey. This month, we would like to highlight a similar kind of resource in video form: Ted Talks on Grief.  Many people are familiar with TED, an organization that fosters community and creates […]

5 Podcasts to Help Affirm and Reframe Your Grief

Image of a person with a microphone for a grief podcast episode

Have you recently been struggling with grief? Have other coping techniques been ineffective so far? Consider listening to a grief podcast! Grief is complex, and sometimes, listening to another person’s story can help you to start validating your own feelings and experiences.  Benefits of Listening to Grief Podcasts Listening to a grief podcast can help […]

6 Grief Tips for Reimagining the Holidays

6 Grief Tips for Reimagining the Holidays Header

Christmas music on the radio, countless cheery commercials, and colorful lights everywhere you go: these constant reminders can be overwhelming for anyone celebrating the season without their loved ones. In a time that carries a lot of joy, merriment, and cheer, there can also be a lot of sadness and dread when grieving during the […]

Gratefulness and Grieving: What You Should Know

holding hands at thanksgiving table gratefulness and grieving

Loss and grief are often magnified during the holiday season, but so is the power of gratitude. For many people, though, gratefulness and grieving might seem to be completely opposite emotions. Practicing gratitude, however, can help you find purpose in your grief and honor the emotions and memories that arise this time of year. As […]

Preparing for a Protestant Funeral

Preparing for a Protestant Funeral

The passing of a loved one is a time to remember their life and honor their legacy. For those whose faith was important to them, honoring their Christian beliefs is a gesture of beauty, dignity, and respect. Let this be your go-to guide for preparing for a protestant funeral. Differences Between Catholic and Protestant Funeral […]