Simon Paul Lantinga, aged 26, died of a catastrophic pulmonary hemorrhage on September 1, 2022. He is survived by Christina de Jong (mother), Paul Lantinga (father) and Miriam Vos (stepmom), Gabriela (Ella) Rosa Wasinski (sister), Hayley Anna Lantinga (sister), Hayden Vos Lantinga (brother), Thomas Wasinski (spouse of Gabriela), Theodore Wasinski (nephew, son of Ella & Tom), Ray and Beth Lantinga (grandparents), Arvin and Corrie Vos (stepgrandparents), and Helen Yan (girlfriend). Predeceased by Herman and Stiny de Jong (grandparents).
Simon lived his life with vim and vigor. A graduate of computer science from the University of Waterloo, he was hired straight out of university by Uber’s self-driving car group in Pittsburgh, PA. When the group was taken over by Aurora AI, he joined Aurora and was recently promoted to Senior Software Engineer.
While Simon was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, his elementary and high school years occurred in Toronto, Ontario. He seemed to excel at anything he put his mind to… soccer, swimming, computer science, writing… and he loved to read. In middle school his violin teacher reported that she had never had a student who could sight read music the way Simon could. In Grade 11 he studied and tested to be a Cisco certified network administrator – and passed.
In university, Simon surprised us all with his dance moves in two choreographed shows. In his final year he finished his Asia Minor degree with a term in China, and traveled to South Korea and Japan as well.
Simon was passionate about rock climbing and fell in love with playing disc golf. He was a member of the Professional Disc Golf Association. He seemed determined to go pro!
Helen, Simon’s girlfriend, and his university, work, climbing, and disc golf friends in Ontario and Pittsburgh were all extremely important to him. They will miss Simon’s presence in their lives deeply. Simon was gifted in his ability to be present to those he loved, and those who loved him. To lose a son, grandson, brother, uncle, cousin, and friend like Simon, who was always so peaceful and affectionate with everyone, hurts beyond measure.
We long for the day that we might know why this happened, and trust that God will give us to each other again in a new heaven and a new earth.
Visitation will be Friday, September 9 from 9:00-10:30 AM followed by the Memorial Service at 11:00 AM at Church of the Servant, 3835 Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. A private burial service will be held at Fennville Cemetery.
Memorial donations can be made to Basis, Simon’s mom’s charity, at Basis provides digital skills development for under-resourced or out-of-school youth and young adults in rural and urban-poor communities.
The family is also organizing a memorial to celebrate and share Simons passion for disc golf. Contributions would be appreciated.
17 Responses
Sending you and all who loved Simon much love and strength, Christina. What a special son he was. May the LORD draw you closer to Himself as you grieve Simon’s death.
1 Peter 5: 6,7
Dear Ella – We are so sorry that your brother is no longer with us. But we pray that we will all be
together, someday, in Heaven. May God support you and your family during this difficult time, and weeks from now when the rest of us have gone back to our busy lives. Love, (Aunt) Dorothy & (Uncle) Jim
Our paths didn’t cross often, Simon, but it would have been wonderful to know you better.
Thank you, Helen, for being with him in his very last moments.
The world so needs contributing, earnest people like you, Simon. Your death is as unfair and upsetting to me as I’m sure it was to you.
I send all my heartfelt love and empathy to my big beautiful family.
Dear family and friends.
Death is final when we lose our memory of Simon.
May we live with memory of him,
until we meet in a place beyond our imagination.
Love Corrie and Berny Snoeyer.
We are so saddened to read of Simin’s passing, and our hearts go out to all, but especially to grandparents Beth and Ray Lantinga and Arvin and Corrie Vos. May God provide eternal peace and rest.
Beth and Ray: How incredibly sad to hear of the passings of your precious Simon. He seemed to bring joy to all he knew. Please know you and your family are in our prayers for Jesus’ peace and comfort.
Bern and Judy Winkle
So very sorry because I know what sudden loss of a child is like. You are all in my prayers.
Dear Christina and family,
May God give you strength in this difficult time. My prayers are with you all. May God receive Simon in his Glory. We do not lose those we love because they live in our hearts forever.
With love,
~ Sasquia
Our deepest condolences ♡
May his memory wrap you up in comfort & the knowing that the world is a better place because Simon lived.
Much Love & Healing,
David & Elvira Hopper
Dear Christina, Paul, Ella and family,
I remember Simon as a young young boy playing with my daughter Lilian in Bangalore, India where we all met. I remember Simon as a shy, extraordinarily sensitive and sweet soul – it has been my absolute joy to witness from afar the Man that he grew into and how beloved he was by so many.
Even though I did not know the man Simon, I met his essence as young Simon and feel touched and blessed by my experience of him.
May he Rest In Peace and continue to grace us with his beauty from the unseen realms.
My heart breaks and I feel the profound sorrow and loss that grieving brings and that you must all be experiencing now amongst many other emotions and feelings. May it be purposeful in continuing to break open our hearts to each other and in recognition of the preciousness of this One life that is ours.
My deepest sympathies to you all
Dear Christina, Paul, Ella and other family members whom I don’t know very well.
The shock of Simon’s passing still rings through my head. As a father of two children just a few years younger than Simon I can only imagine your incredible grief. I have no words. I wish you all the strength to overcome this loss and someday see happiness again with Simon a cherished loving memory.
Dear Paul and Christina,
I have no words to express my sorrow at this time nor do I have words to comfort you both. I cannot even imagine what it must be like for you both and your families at this time. When my youngest son Elijah passed away 4 years back at age 22, I asked God about His promise to me in Psalms 128:3 “Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table.”
I asked what happened to that “your children will be like olive shoots around your table?” He lovingly reminded me they are still at your table albeit in a different location. That brought me a lot of comfort Paul and Christina. I hope these words would offer you a modicum of comfort in a way that only God can.
Praying for you both and your families that the peace of God that passeth all understanding would flood your souls.
John and Ulka Serrao
Bangalore, India
Your living the life to the fullest inspired everyone you know. You were like a light that shone, and will keep shining. You are dearly missed, Simon
Margaret and Herman
Oh dear Christina,
My heart breaks for you. Truly dear friend. I will light a candle for Simon tonight, and hold your heart and all the tenderness in your grief for him. But also how this changes everything for you in my heart in the coming days. Thank you for letting me know. I send you and the family love.
Dear Christina, Ella and Paul, it is so hard to believe that Simon has left us. I wish I had known him better.
I wish you strength and courage.
Love Vincent
Dear Simon,
we met only once back when you was visiting your Mom in Germany. We had a couple of matches at the bowling center in Gifhorn, Germany.
I was shocked hearing about this incident and that you have passed.
3 days later I was holding my new born daughter in my arms and now getting an understanding of what it must feel to loose your kid. A kid like you have been to you lovely Mom Christina.
I hope you are at a better place now and that we will get behind the reasons of this tragedy. Hopefully it will make all sense one day. That‘s at least what I‘m wishing for right now.
Nils & Simone from Germany
Dear people, I, unfortunately, was not able to be at the service at COS because I had just come down badly with Covid and could not leave the house. I would have liked so much loved to express my condolences to everyone of you and give you a hug.
To loose such a brilliant, gifted and lovable son – I can’t fathom the pain, the deep wound and sadness. Much love from Barbara Carvill