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Martha R. McGillicuddy


McGILLICUDDY Martha R. (Martie) McGillicuddy age 72 of East Grand Rapids passed away on March 5 2012 after a beautiful life. She was preceded in death by her parents James and Mary Lu Cox and her husband Mike Sr. Martie is survived by her loving children (and their spouses), Bill (Maggie) of Bolingbrook IL Kathy (Jim) Reeves of East Grand Rapids and Mike Jr. (Traci) of Falls Church VA; her grandchildren Ben Tom Katie and Michael III; a fifth grandchild due in April; her brother John (Carol) Cox of Troy MI; and many other close relatives and dear friends. A Liturgy of Christian Burial will be celebrated at on March 9 2012 at St. Stephen Catholic Church 750 Gladstone SE East Grand Rapids. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Visitations will be held on from 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm at O’Brien Eggebeen Gerst Funeral Home 3980 Cascade Rd. SE. The Rosary will be recited on evening at 6pm. In lieu of flowers charitable donations may be given to St. Stephen Catholic Church where Martie served in stewardship for many great years.

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Born: 1940
Death: March 05, 2012

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Born: 1940
Death: March 05, 2012