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Blanche A. Knapp


Mrs. Blanche A. Knapp, age 98 of Kinston, NC, formerly of Lowell, MI, was called home to be with the Lord on February 5, 2023. She was born to the late Lt. Col. John and Iona Kelly of Grand Rapids, MI on May 21, 1924, in Sioux Falls, SD.

Blanche was preceded in death by her late husband of 72 years, Robert Knapp of Lowell, MI. She is survived by her two children, Rev. Robert Knapp of Kinston, NC, and Miriam Davis of Muskegon, MI; her younger sister, Pat Hiller of Grand Rapids, MI; 4 grandchildren; 9 great-grandchildren; and 2 great-great grandchildren.

Blanche was very faithful in her attendance at church and participated in its prayer and encouragement ministry. Prior to retirement, she sang with her church choir, played in the church band, and taught Sunday School.

Before retirement, Blanche worked with the local county governments with bookkeeping and tax collection. Her favorite employment was in a bakery while living in Waukesha, WI.

Her final interment will take place in Belvedere, Illinois.

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One Response

  1. She was a WONDERFUL friend at Alton bible church!always praying for me !she was so sweet! Glad she is withme Bob and especially with GOD! GOD BLESS

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