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Marilyn Marie McClure


Our beloved wife, mom, grandmother, and friend, aka “Meme,” “Mar,” “Merr,”

lost her sparkle on February 21, 2018.

Marilyn loved her family, friends, and “her” town Lowell, Michigan, where she

started and ended her life’s journey.

Marilyn was always ready and willing, with a sparkle in her eye, to meet a

friend at McDonald’s for a fountain Diet Coke, run treats to her grandchildren

and their friends, volunteer at the next event, or stay up until the wee morning

hours, talking to her daughters about the latest news in Lowell, or just listen to

their fears, hopes, and dreams.

It was a sure thing she would have an opinion as to what needed to be done,

with most things being solved with a Diet Coke, some candy, a hug and kiss,

and a “stop feeling sorry for yourself” by the end of the conversation.

She’d say, “Everything will turn out alright,” all while making sure her husband

knew what was on the day’s calendar and what role he’d play that day as she

taxied her grand-kids, whom she adored, to their next event, or to spend the day

with a family member or friend.

For Marilyn, there was always a reason to get on the road and do something for


Marilyn’s love for fun and laughter rubbed off on everyone with whom she

came into contact.

But don’t get her mad, as she could hold a grudge like nobody’s business.

What made Marilyn so special was her unconditional love, inner strength, and

love for life that she was able to share with so many, making everyone feel as if

she loved them best.

Marilyn had deep roots in Lowell and was always willing to share, with anyone

that would listen, that her grandchildren were 6th generation “Lowell Lights.”

Her midnight “drive bys” (not the type that are highlighted on the nightly news),

her cruises down Main Street, and her weekly rides around Lowell were always

for a purpose: to make sure she knew what was going on in town and confirm

everyone was doing well under her watch.

Her memory would put an elephant to shame. Ask her what happened on the

corner of Main and Center Street 2 days, 4 weeks, 12 months, or 20 years ago,

and she knew not only “the story,” but the people that were involved and where

they could be currently found.

She loved to share the “good ole days” with anyone that would listen, but

especially with her lifelong friends and grandchildren, as there was nothing

better to her than to sit around the table and talk about the fun and laughs they

had shared on so many different occasions.

She was a social butterfly like no other, her Elvis Club, McDonald Coffee

Clutch, and Old Ladies Card Club will not be the same without her smile that

seemed to brighten even the darkest day.

She will be greatly missed by many, as she played an integral role in so many


Marilyn is survived by her husband, Greg McClure; daughters and son-in-law,

Misty McClure-Anderson, Mark Anderson, and April McClure; grandson,

Chase Anderson, and granddaughter, Ruth Anderson.

We will try and carry on her zest for life and love for Lowell.

As the years pass and time brings change, one thing is certain, we are BETTER

people because she listened, cared, and loved us.

Marilyn is simply unforgettable.

Marilyn will put on her last pair of earrings and matching lipstick on Monday,

February 26, from 5-8:00 p.m., at Roth-Gerst Chapel, 305 N. Hudson, Lowell

MI 49331.

Her celebration of life will be held Tuesday, February 27, 11:00 a.m. at Ada

Bible Church, 8899 Cascade Rd. SE, Ada, MI 49301.

Interment Oakwood Cemetery. Please come with smiles, memories, and

laughter, as anyone that knew Marilyn, knows she would want you to have a

good time.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Greater Lowell Chamber

Foundation, Rebuild the Lowell Showboat, PO Box 224, Lowell, MI 49331.

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