Grand Rapids:

Helping Your Family When a Member is Dying

family member dying

The Shock of the News of a Family Member Dying Learning that someone in your family is dying is a blow to everyone the news touches. We sometimes think this only happens in other families, but now it is happening to yours. If the onset of the illness was sudden or unexpected, you and the […]

Helping a Suicide Survivor Heal

Suicide Survivor

Historian Arnold Toynbee once wrote, “There are always two parties to a death; the person who dies and the survivors who are bereaved.” Unfortunately, many suicide survivors suffer alone and in silence. The silence that surrounds them often complicates the healing that comes from being encouraged to mourn. Because of the social stigma, suicide survivors […]

Helping a Grieving Friend in the Workplace

Helping a Grieving Friend

How Can You Help? A friend or acquaintance in your workplace has experienced the death of someone loved. You want to help, but you are not sure how to go about it. This article will help you turn your cares and concerns into positive action. You Have An Important Role Your support of a fellow […]

Helping Your Family Heal After Miscarriage

Heal After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a Significant Loss It is normal and natural to hurt deeply after a miscarriage. While others may imply or outright tell you that miscarriage happens too early on for you to be attached to the baby, or that miscarriage is so common it’s nothing to get upset about, or that you should focus […]

Helping a Grandparent Who is Grieving

Grieving grandparent

A child or young adult has died. Everyone who loved the child is now faced with mourning this tragic, untimely death. The child’s parents are heartbroken. But what about the grandparents? How might your grandparent be grieving? How can you help them with their unique grief? This article will guide you in ways to turn […]

Healing When Someone You Care About Dies of a Drug Overdose

Healing When Someone You Care About Dies of a Drug Overdose

Addiction and Drug Overdose People of all backgrounds and socioeconomic levels are affected by addiction and drug overdose. Addiction is a recognized disease in which the pleasure centers of the brain get taken over by the need for the drug. Addicts cannot control their behavior. In the United States today, the majority of drug overdose […]

Helping a Friend in Grief

Helping a Friend in Grief

Listen with your heart. Helping begins with your ability to be an active listener. Your physical presence and desire to listen without judging are critical helping tools. Don’t worry so much about what you will say. Just concentrate on listening to the words that are being shared with you. Your friend may relate the same […]