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Sister Lucianne Siers, OP


Siers, OP, Sister Lucianne, born Lucianne Sieroslawski in Saginaw, MI died on June 30, 2023.

She was 74 years old and a Dominican Sister for 55 years.

Sister Lucianne received two degrees from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, a BA (major English) and an MA in Religious Education from the AIRS program (Aquinas Institute of Religious Studies); an MA (Systematic Theology) from Boston College; a PhD (Missiology and Catechesis) from Catholic University of America, Washington, DC and a Certificate (Spiritual Direction) from Fordham University, New York.

Her earliest missions were teaching junior high at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Grand Rapids; Sacred Heart, Saginaw; St. Mary, Gaylord; and St. Joseph and St. Boniface, both in Bay City. She later served the Diocese of Saginaw in two positions: Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry and Coordinator of the Diocesan Ministry Institute.

She next accepted the role of Associate Director of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Mobile, Alabama and then, under the auspices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, coordinated volunteers to aid the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe. Next she directed the Partners for Global Justice as an NGO at the United Nations in New York City. Sister Lucianne was appointed Regional Co-Promoter for North America by the International Dominican Commission for Justice and Peace.

From 2012 to 2018 Sister Lucianne served as a Councilor on the Leadership Team of the Grand Rapids Dominicans. Upon completion of her term in office she joined the staff of Catholic Theological Union as Director of the Institute of Religious Formation and Hesburgh Sabbatical Program. During the pandemic, her creativity and problem-solving gifts shifted into gear as she transferred the residential sabbatical program into a six- week online “Hesburgh Renewal Program.” Countless priests, sisters, and lay persons got a taste of the newest theological developments and experienced spiritual renewal through the impactful program she created. Creativity and confidence were overflowing in Lu’s personality; she was the embodiment of the arts, be it music, theater, film, or sculpture. Lu came to find working with stone a great release for her joy and soothing remedy for her sorrows. We who knew and loved Sister Lucianne are grateful for her lively spirit, her faith-filled life, which is now beyond us in body, yet ever present in our hearts.

Sister Lucianne is survived by her sisters Kathleen Callard, North Fort Myers, FL; and Susan (Fayaz) Stratton, Grand Ledge, MI; her brothers James (Mary Catherine) Siers, Saginaw, MI and Peter (Stephanie) Siers, Ann Arbor, MI; her sister-in-law Gloria Siers, Mt Pleasant, MI; nieces, nephews, many friends and members of her Dominican Community.

Sister Lucianne will repose at Marywood Chapel of the Word, 111 Lakeside Dr NE, with visitation on Sunday, July 2 from 6:00-7:00 pm followed by a Remembering Service at 7:00 pm. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Monday, July 3 at 10:00 am at Marywood Chapel of the Word. Sisters, Family, and Close Friends are invited to join us in person for the Remembering Service and Funeral. Burial will be at  Resurrection Cemetery. Memorials in Sister Lucianne Siers’ name may be made to the Grand Rapids Dominican Sisters.

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