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Selma “Sally” McLellan


Selma “Sally” McLellan, age 91 of Lowell, Michigan, passed away on Tuesday, December 27, 2022.  Selma was born on August 15, 1931, in Detroit, Michigan to Merbrok (Nora Sight) and Harry Mehmed, both from Turkey.

Selma was preceded in death by her husband of 61 years, Clifton George McLellan; her mother and father; brothers, Peter Sight and Emery Hassan; and son-in-law, Robert Zink.

Selma was a stay-at-home mother who always said her greatest accomplishment was her four children: Coleen McLellan, Loreen Zink, Clifton (Beth) McLellan, and Marie (Robert) Kutzli. She was a creative gardener, a brilliant artist, played and enjoyed the violin, loved to laugh with friends and family, and deeply loved the Lord.

Selma was dearly loved by her eight grandchildren, Jeanie Kutzli, Brian Sroka, Bobby Zink, Betty Zink, Phillip McLellan, Laura Hejnal, Spencer McLellan, and Nathan Morelli. Selma also had five great-grandchildren.

Visitation and funeral will be held at Impact Church, 11840 Fulton St. E, Lowell, MI on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.   Visitation from 9:00-11:00 am, with funeral directly after. Selma will be put to rest next to her husband at United Memorial Gardens, Plymouth, MI the following day. Memorial contributions may be made to Alzheimer’s Association, or Emmanuel Hospice,

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Memorial Contributions

 Alzheimer’s Association


Emmanuel Hospice

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Memorial Contributions

 Alzheimer’s Association


Emmanuel Hospice