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Dr. Audley R. Mamby, Jr.


Dr. Audley “Butch” Mamby, Jr., age 63 of Rockford, passed away Monday, November 22, 2021.  He was preceded in death by his parents, Myra and Audley Mamby, Sr.; his beloved Giant Schnauzer, Zoe and Dobermann, Bruna. Audley is survived by his wife, Michelle; children, Aryas, Ariel, Aleah and Max; grandchildren, Lillian and Sophia; sisters, Dr. Celia Mamby (Ramone) and Dr. Sylvia Mamby (Brian);  niece and God daughter, Allison; nephew, Christopher; parents-in-law, Donald and Barbara Patrick. Audley graduated from Northwestern University and received his medical degree from the University of Wisconsin. He had a kind heart and a love for everyone.  Audley will be missed by all. Every place Butch went there was someone he would know. He had the gift of gab and enjoyed people. Private services were held by the family.

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4 Responses

  1. Prayers for Audrey’s family members and his friends. My heart is sad that you have to go thru this loss, especially during the Holidays.

  2. Our deepest thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Audre’s family in this time of grief. We will miss him.

  3. Doc was a friend as well as my doctor. I had open heart surgery on 10/12. We talked on the phone twice since my surgery. I went to his office today because he wasn’t answering either of his phones. I wsnted to talk about the Michigan/OSU football game. We talked sports every time I saw him. I will miss you my friend

  4. Damn! This is unbelievable. I was talking to a close friend earlier today. I was talking about how I’ve been training and that a conversation I’d had with Audley–which seemed only a few months ago–was what spurred me to get back to training. But it wasn’t a few months ago because I started training in late December of 2021. So, it had to have been a ways before that–in the fall or late spring, damn! (can’t have been that long ago). It was after he’d left a message with a receptionist from work– she said an old friend had called but she couldn’t remember his name. I thought, then, for some reason, that it was Audley (“Butch…” yeah…”Butch.”). Then shortly thereafter, after he called, again, she said “a Dr. Mamby called,” and I had been right!! Man, I called and we talked — I hadn’t heard Audley’s voice for, maybe, 35 or so years. We caught up with life. Lots of memories (when he was in North Carolina, I think, my time frames are all messed up, can’t recall when, but we talked by phone, a lot. He was always talking about Walter Davis(.”Walt Davis this, Walt did that…” When he was living in Chicago (8th-grade?), we’d play pick-up basketball games during the summer. He and another close friend once helped me shovel two tons of sand that my Mom had somehow mistakenly ordered for my backyard that couldn’t have been more than 15 feet by 15 feet–a huge mound of sand in Mom’s parking space!! But, Audley came and we got it done!! So many memories…gotta take this in doses..,,Another memory, where he was studying for, I’m thinking, his boards in Medicine , or something–he said he rented a hotel room for the weekend and just read & studied, read& studied, and read & studied some more for the entire weekend. I was in graduate school, at the time, and that stuck with me). Back to when we were talking this past fall or spring, I told him about challenges I’d overcome and he was appreciative about my process of bouncing back. Then, he started saying that we were at the age where we really needed to change our diet because things would start becoming irreversible. He highlighted some foods…But I remember the chips. He was saying that I had to stop eating the potato chips. At the time, I thought there was no way…Then we started planning to meet for lunch (live in Lansing). I was either going to come Grand Rapids or he was going to come to Lansing–I don’t really remember, but he was going to bring his wife and I was going to bring my wife. I excitedly told my wife, after I got off the phone. Damn, I thought we had time…I would think, “gotta get together with Audley.” I thought we had time…Sylvia and Celia–my thoughts and prayers to you–it’s hard. I lost my brother in 2013; can’t really explain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. My thoughts prayers to Audley’s family! But, I choose to recall this as a gift. The phioe call was a gift. The recollection is a gift. “Yo, Audley, man, I stopped eating those chips and changed my diet–no pop. I as thinking ’bout you the other night, when I was drinking my water. I love you, boy!”

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