Print Obituary

Arda Neeltje Tole


Arda Tole, age 71 of Grand Rapids, passed away November 8, 2021. She was preceded in death by her parents, Nico and Nellie van der Sluis; and mother-in-law, Eleanor Tole. Arda is survived by her husband, Dave Tole; children, Steve (Jenny) Tole, Petra (John) Seals; grandchildren, Sydney, Dana, Davis, and Colette Tole, Harper and Hazel Seals; father-in-law, Robert Tole; brothers, Kees (Lenie), Hans (Mieke), Charel van der Sluis; sisters, Ellen (Bert) Vogels, Marjolein (Harrie) van der Putten, Yvonne (Rob) Verheij; sister and brother-in-law, Christine (Bert) Loveless, and Al (Vickie) Tole. Arda enjoyed sewing, biking, and helping others in any way she could. She was an inspiration to others through her attitude toward life and her strong religious beliefs. Mass of Christian Burial will be 11:00 am Friday, November 12, 2021, at St. Robert of Newminster, 6477 Ada Dr SE, Ada, MI 49301 with visitation one-hour prior. Msgr. Ernest Schneider, celebrant. In lieu of flowers, donate to Lack’s Cancer Center Patient Assistance Fund to honor the original intent of the Bike for Cancer at

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Memorial Contributions

Lack’s Cancer Center

Patient Assistance Fund

to honor the original

intent of the Bike for Cancer

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19 Responses

  1. Arda never said anything bad about anyone.
    She was a true friend and was there for you at all times.
    She was an amazing friend and I already miss her.
    She made the world a better place.
    She was so talented and could do anything she set her mind too.

  2. Dave and family. Norm and I are so very sad to hear of the passing of Arda. We called her Arda 2 because we are friends with her cousin Arda VanHoof. She was a wonderful, fun-loving, talented lady who we got to know in the times she was in Tucson. May she R I P and for sure and angel in heaven!!!

  3. To one of the most inspirational women in my life. As tears fill my eyes writing this, I am truly blessed to have had Arda in my life. I was blessed to see first hand what an incredible wife, mother and grandmother she was. I will miss her very much and be forever grateful that she touched my life in a very special way. Rest In Peace Arda. Know that you have impacted the lives of many and we will miss you very much.

  4. I will hold the memories of Arda being at the Hunter household from age 8 to now forever in my heart. I will miss her kind spirit and laugh. Much love always. Leslie and Avory Johnson.

  5. Lieve tante Arda ik ga jou zo erg missen. Ik koester al de fijne herinneringen die ik heb. En ga jou nooit nooit vergeten…. Veel sterkte voor ome Dave en Steve en Petra en hun gezinnen.

  6. Good night beautiful lady, it was an absolute pleasure to have known you. There is a very special Angel in heaven now, rest in peace

  7. My deepest condolences to you and your family. You are in my thoughts during this diffecult time.

  8. So sorry you’re gone from this wonderful earth. I know you are with our Lord and Savior in an even more wonderful Heaven.
    You will always be in my memory as a wonderful biker and lovely lady. Praying for your family as they miss you. May God be with them.

  9. Lieve Arda, ik ken je van vroeger toen ik bij je thuis kwam, Yvonne was en is mijn vriendin, ik herinner je als een warme gezellige zorgzame vrouw.
    Arda rust zacht.

    Heel veel sterkte met het verlies van Arda.

  10. Dave, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss my condolences to you and your family. Larry

  11. I will always remember Arda’s sweet sweet spirit!! Dave I am praying for God to give you and your family His peace and His strength in the days to come!

  12. Dave, We are sorry to hear of your loss our condolences to you and your family. Jason & Jennifer

  13. Thankful for the presence and joy Arda brought to my mom and family’s life. To see how happy my mom was in her friendship can surely only reflect the spirit Arda brought to life every day. Her spirit shines brightly in Oregon. Thoughts and prayers.

  14. We’ve come to think of Arda (and Dave) as part of our Texas sojourn; part of the visit we make to my family. And in that way, Arda became family. She did so many kind and thoughtful things for my mother that they are impossible to list; and impossible to forget.

    Thank You Arda. We will miss you very much

  15. We are beyond saddened by the loss of Arda. We loved her so much. She was a light! She just lit up the room when she walked in. We will miss her so much! I will never forget her playing so effortlessly with our son, Connor. The Easter egg hunts & scavenger hunts stick out most in my mind. I marveled at how good she was with him. Some people work hard to be a good mother… It was clear – she was just a natural. I will never forget Arda’s smile. She really did make the world a better place. Please accept our warmest sympathy. Our love and thoughts are with you.

  16. Dave and family,Steve & are so sorry for your loss. We have many fun memories of our time in AZ. We made lots of memories. Arda loved life and everyone she knew.
    She was a talented lady who meant a lot to a lot of people.May you rest in all
    the memories. You were blessed to have her. God bless you all.

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Memorial Contributions

Lack’s Cancer Center

Patient Assistance Fund

to honor the original

intent of the Bike for Cancer